Call 979-845-3541 to schedule an appointment. We will do our best to answer your questions and may have some questions for you so that we can schedule an appointment at a time that is convenient for you and allows enough time for the necessary exam. You can expect to receive a phone call to remind and confirm your appointment as it approaches.
No! We accept referral and non-referral appointments. If you are scheduling an appointment based on the recommendation of your regular veterinarian, we would like to talk to them! Please have them call, or let them know they should expect a call from us.
If your veterinarian has called to schedule your appointment, our front desk staff will call to confirm the details with you.
You can expect to arrive the day before your horse’s surgery is scheduled. If your horse is scheduled for laparoscopic surgery, you may be asked to not feed your horse the day prior to your appointment. Unless directed otherwise, there are no special instructions prior to arrival.
Please park in the marked trailer spaces, and check in at the front desk. A 4th year veterinary student and technician will come help you get unloaded and into the hospital. The rest of your veterinary care team (Dr. Arnold, Whitfield, or Glass and resident/intern veterinarian) will meet you in the hospital.\
***If you have concerns about walking your horse in from the parking lot, please let us know! We can unload closer or inside the hospital when necessary. ***