Our Emergency and Critical Care Service is always open for our patients and referring veterinarians. Whether serious, life-threatening problems or minor emergencies, we are a fully functional service with the capabilities of the entire hospital and always have a veterinarian and support staff in the hospital 24 hours a day for receiving patients.

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Appointments are not necessary, but please call ahead if possible. If this is an emergency, call 979-845-2351 repeatedly until you are able to speak directly with one of our staff members. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE. 

Read this article to assist when seeking emergency veterinary care.

A Better Life

Our state-of-the-art Emergency & Critical Care Service (ECC) provides ongoing care for critically ill or injured pets, as well as those recovering from surgery. Our primary goal is to provide immediate initial evaluation, stabilization, and treatment for ill or injured pets.

As part of the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH), our service is a conduit to the entire team of specialties to ensure the best possible care for your pet.

When you arrive at the VMTH, you will be received by a fourth-year veterinary student who will immediately transport your pet to our ECC unit to be initially evaluated and stabilized by the emergency veterinarian on duty.

Our team will create a treatment plan, which may require your pet to stay in the hospital or can be done on an outpatient basis, depending on the condition. Our team may also recommend transferring your pet to your primary veterinarian for follow-up care.

Our team consists of experienced emergency & critical care veterinarians who manage the service with support from interns, residents, fourth-year veterinary students, and our experienced technical staff.

Special Note:

Before our orthopedics service can accept patients experiencing complications from an orthopedic surgery (such as a TPLO) performed outside of Texas A&M, the referring clinic must provide a complete set of medical records/imaging and undergo a doctor-to-doctor consultation. This ensures our team can deliver the highest level of care to all patients.

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